Who may get married in S. Bartholomew?
There are certain legalities about where you can marry in church. It’s perhaps easiest to list these and you can see if you fit into one of the categories with regards St. Bartholomew:
One of the couple lives in the Parish of St. Bartholomew on Stamford Hill (see map).
One of the couple is on the electoral roll of the Parish of St. Bartholomew. Membership of the roll is for those who have worshipped regularly in the church for at least six months and who have registered and have been accepted onto the roll.
One of the couple was baptised or confirmed in St. Bartholomew.
One of the couple’s parents or grandparents were married in St. Bartholomew.
One of couple has lived in the parish as their main residence for at least six months (even if they no longer live here); or your parents have lived in the parish for six months during your lifetime.
You or your parents have habitually worshipped at St. Bartholomew for at least six months.
It will be necessary for you to provide proof of which of these qualifying categories applies to you. In most cases this will be in the form of documentary evidence.
Please fill in the Marriage Application Form as the bottom of this page and return to the Parish Priest
What is the ‘calling of the banns’?
Before a marriage takes place public notice is given, this happens both for civil and Church marriages. In church this happens by the reading aloud of the notice of marriage on three consecutive Sundays – if anyone has an objection to the marriage it is his or her opportunity to do so. A certificate, if needed, is issued at the end of the period of the banns being read.
What if one or both or the couple are not British subjects?
It is still possible to marry in church but together with fulfilling one of the qualifying categories as listed above we will need to apply for a marriage license for you. A marriage licence can be obtained by applying to the Superintendent Registrar of the borough council. Once the licence has been issued the Church marriage can take place. If one of you has an expired visa for the United Kingdom the procedure is less straightforward but it is still worth talking with the priest if you wish to be married by the Church. Please fill in the Marriage Application Form as the bottom of this page and return to the Parish Priest
Can a person who has been divorced marry in S. Bartholomew?
We do not offer remarriage of divorcees at St. Bartholomew, however we do offer the blessing of a civil marriages in church. This service includes many of the elements of the full wedding service such as the saying of the words of dedication to each other, exchanging of rings and the pronouncement of a blessing upon the marriage. This service usually takes place immediately after the civil marriage held at the registry office. You are very welcome to discuss this with the parish priest.
How much does a wedding cost?
It depends on how elaborate your wedding is but about £450 would cover the calling of banns, the issuing of a banns certificate, the rehearsal, the wedding ceremony, the marriage certificate, organist’s fee and the verger’s fee (the one who sets the church up and tidies up afterwards). After the ceremony the priest registers your marriage with Haringey Council. The fees are settled before the rehearsal.
In additional we do ask for a refundable deposit of £100 when you set the date for your wedding. If the wedding starts late this deposit is used as an extra fee (£25 per 15 minutes from 10 minutes past the agreed starting time). We are sorry about this but experience has shown that this is necessary!
Is help available for planning the marriage service?
Yes, lots of help is available. You will probably have several meetings with the priest as you plan your wedding. All the various options for the service will be explained to you. The church can also assist with flower arranging if you should like. It is important that you check with the parish priest about the church’s availability before you make any other arrangements.
In planning the wedding day and preparing for marriage you may find this Church website helpful: www.yourchurchwedding.org
Following the wedding is it possible to hold a reception at S. Bartholomew’s Church?
Yes – the church has a meeting room with an associated kitchen, hallway and two WCs. In the summer months it is also pleasant to have access to the Thanksgiving Garden at the front of the church. Hire rates and arrangements can be found on this site at Venue Hire. The Parish Room can accommodate 40 people, the Crypt Chapel can accommodate a further 50 people – if the garden is being used many more can be catered for. It has proved to be a very pleasant setting for smaller wedding parties or as a venue for a drinks and refreshments reception before a larger party elsewhere later in the day. See Venue Hire on this website.
Please download, complete the Marriage Application Form and send via the form below.